Friday, March 10, 2017

Teachers' Feedback on SAT-10 Practice Tests for KG-2

Click here to view teachers' feedback on SAT-10 Practice Tests for KG-2.

Here is the list of teachers and the practice tests that they downloaded this week. Thank you so much.
  • E. Watts (Mathematics and Reading 2)
  • T. Ross (Mathematics, Reading, Language, and Environment 2)
  • A. Nguyen (Reading 2)
  • E. Ramos (Mathematics and Reading KG-2)
  • E. Rodriguez (Mathematics, Reading, and Language 2)
  • J. Lowe (Reading 1)
  • E. Hope (Mathematics 1)
  • P. McLemore (Environment 1)
  • D. Oharriz (Mathematics K, Reading 1, Reading KG)
  • T. Berry (Mathematics KG)
  • J. Campbell (Mathematics and Reading 1)