Sunday, January 15, 2023

User Demographics (SAT-10 Practice Tests for KG-2)


For the past 10 years of selling SAT-10 practice tests on TPT and on this website, I thought that buyers come from only a handful of states like Tennessee and Florida. Today, I found out on TPT data that there are also many teachers and families that downloaded these resources.

Below are the US states where the users/buyers of these SAT-10 practice tests come from in no particular order.

(1) Georgia

(2) South Carolina

(3) Tennessee

(4) Texas

(5) California

(6) New Jersey

(7) Maine

(8) New York

(9) Virginia

(10) Arkansas

(11) Florida (Most Downloads)

(12) Missouri

Thank you, dear teachers, school administrators, and parents for downloading these SAT-10 practice tests!

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Stanford-10 Practice Tests

PRODUCT UPDATES (January 2023)
A digital (no-print) format of SAT-10 practice tests for KG, first, and second grade are NOW AVAILABLE. 

The link to the online format of these practice tests are accessible on the last page of the documents. 

Teachers can assign students to take these SAT-10 practice tests using iPad or computer at school or at home. 

Receive a digital (printable) copy of best-selling SAT PRACTICE TESTS for kindergarten, first grade, and second grade today and start your practice for better student performance. Simply click the link to each product, pay for your order, download the file, and print.

These practice tests are the best available SAT-10 practice tests based on customer feedback here and on TeachersPayTeachers. Over 5,000 copies had been sold since 2012. 

Grab your copies now! 

Friday, March 10, 2017

Teachers' Feedback on SAT-10 Practice Tests for KG-2

Click here to view teachers' feedback on SAT-10 Practice Tests for KG-2.

Here is the list of teachers and the practice tests that they downloaded this week. Thank you so much.
  • E. Watts (Mathematics and Reading 2)
  • T. Ross (Mathematics, Reading, Language, and Environment 2)
  • A. Nguyen (Reading 2)
  • E. Ramos (Mathematics and Reading KG-2)
  • E. Rodriguez (Mathematics, Reading, and Language 2)
  • J. Lowe (Reading 1)
  • E. Hope (Mathematics 1)
  • P. McLemore (Environment 1)
  • D. Oharriz (Mathematics K, Reading 1, Reading KG)
  • T. Berry (Mathematics KG)
  • J. Campbell (Mathematics and Reading 1)